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The origin of Orgonite


Wilhelm Reich, born in 1897 in the Danube monarchy, was a physicist, psychoanalyst and biologist.

He discovered that everything that exists, both atmospheric and everything with a solid form, such as people, plants, animals, but also stone, wood and metals, is in full motion at the quantum level (the smallest level) and can be distinguished in molecules , atoms, electrons, protons and neurons. These tiny particles are electrically charged and continuously moving.















He called this life-giving energy 'Orgon', consisting of Dor (deadly orgon) and Por (positive orgon). It flows in and out and through all that is. Research showed that the positive orgone had a beneficial effect on humans and animals, both physically and psychologically. Dr. Reich developed the Orgone accumulators. These are cupboards to attract, bundle and hold the orgone and where one could take place for therapeutic sessions. Staggering results were achieved with it.

These accumulators were built by alternating layers of organic material such as cotton and wool with layers of inorganic material such as metal.

Organic materials attract and absorb the orgone, and the inorganic ones also attract but reflect orgone and release it back out immediately. This way the energy becomes neutral again. All this happens at an apparently imperceptible speed.


Wilhelm Reich was way ahead of his time and became a controversial figure. Now living in the United States, he received a court order from the FDA against the sale of accumulators between states. He ignored this order and was sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment and total destruction of all his publications. A few days before his release, he died in prison of a heart condition.

Foreseeing that the world was not ready for his work yet, he had ordered that unpublished work should not be revealed until 50 years after his death, and this happened in the year 2007.


Meanwhile, in the 1960s, another scientist was researching orgone matter. The Russian Dr. Nikolai Koryev (1908-1983). His research showed the scientific evidence for the invisible force fields where Dr. Reich was concerned with it. Until the 1990s, this research was kept secret from the general public.


In 1986 a study was published in Germany (Marburg) that by placing in an Orgone accumulator constant positive, psychological and physiological results were observed and that the effect where Dr. Reich talked about really exists.



energie, orgonite
energie fijnstoffelijk orgonite

How did the orgonite cubes come about?

In the year 2000, the couple Don and Carrol Croft refined and optimized this technique. By mixing synthetic resin (organic) with small pieces of metal (inorganic) and adding a quartz crystal to it, beneficial orgone attracting products can be made.

The addition of this crystal converts the negative Dor into positive Dor. In this way, a constant exchange of energy with a neutralizing and positively releasing frequency is effected, which has an endless effect and is self-cleaning.

The organ energy can be perceived by means of Kirlian photography

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