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   What is Shungite



Shungite is one of the oldest formed minerals on earth with a special composition as it is not found anywhere else.

It is mined in Karelia, Russia in the Lake Onega region where it was first mined from a source called Shunga. This mineral was formed billions of years ago and traditionally locals knew about Shungite's mysterious "great power" even though they didn't know how it worked back then. It cured many diseases and purified the water in the area. When fullerenes, a special molecular formation containing the C60 molecule were discovered in shungite a few decades ago, it was called the sensation of the 20th century.






What makes shungite so special?


It's all about the unique structure, a spherical hollow molecule consisting of 60 carbon atoms (C60). in this space the atoms rotate 20 billion times per second. This spider is unstoppable. This creates torsion fields and scalar waves. It goes beyond the laws of physics and with this we enter quantum physics.

As we know, carbon is the basis of life. Modern scientists view the emergence of life on our planet as a complex process of evolution of carbon compounds. They believe that these connections can serve as a carrier of life in every part of the universe. The discovery of fullerenes, a new form of carbon, was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology. These scientists received the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Today, many manufacturers, politicians and scientists are interested in this promising material for solving many complex environmental problems in the modern world.


Why is Shungite so helpful with its fullerenes in suppressing artificial electromagnetic fields?


Everything in nature, our body cells, DNA etc. have a clockwise rotating energetic movement. This direction is life-giving and supportive.

Everything that is electronically powered, such as all our equipment and mobile telephony, WiFi, etc., is driven counterclockwise.

This movement goes against the natural rhythm and so there can be a disturbance in the normal body processes. Our bioenergetic system is getting out of balance. This is called a spin inversion and can cause all kinds of complaints.

Due to the enormous fast clockwise rotation of C60 molecules, the left spin is canceled and made clockwise again. Due to the microcortex in the hollow molecules, this is a continuous movement. As a result, Shungite can not become full and pollute as is possible with other crystals such as tourmaline.

It never needs to be cleaned, charged or replaced.


There are even more qualities to be attributed to the fullerenes in Shungite.

Due to its structure, it absorbs all kinds of toxic substances such as heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, etc. It disappears and can no longer be found. Besides that, when fullerenes enter our body, they act as the most powerful and longest acting antioxidants to fight free radicals. Even 170 times stronger than Vitamin C and cross the brain barrier.







Shungite is:


-a natural antioxidant that can increase human immunity to many serious diseases and suppress the development of many allergic diseases

-an absorbent, purifies air and water of many organic and inorganic compounds and of excess free radicals;

-a catalyst, which ensures the breakdown of absorbed organic substances

a carrier of a wide range of microelements and biologically active substances, intensification of biological processes in the bodies of humans and animals; •

-a material that reacts actively with electromagnetic fields of different nature (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geopathogenic, biofield) and neutralizes their negative impact.

-it has: • absorbent activity, the ability to absorb substances from the environment; • bactericidal effect; • the ability to connect to any substance; • anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects;



There are 2 types of Shungite:


Type 2 shungite which delivers unpolished black powder


Type 1 or noble shungite


Elite shungite, also called Edel or Silver shungite, is different from the 'standard' shungite:

- contains much more fullerenes and carbon (98%)

- normal shungite contains C60 fullerene (0.5-1% and elite shungite C70 (90-98%)

- C60 molecule: 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons

- C70 molecule: 25 hexagons and 12 pentagons

- gives off little or no carbon

- 10 times stronger on average or in other words: 10x less volume than 'normal' shungite

- crystal structure

  • not editable

limited amount available approx. 1% of the Shungite area consists of this noble shungite and it is therefore much more expensive.


Type 2 shungite is mainly used for physical matters and neutralization of EMF fields.


For more information, applications and scientific research, I recommend that you read this booklet: Shungite Protection, Healing and Detoxification by Regina Martino



Shungite and Orgonite, a perfect match!


Anything added to shungite will enhance, including orgonite.

Orgonite is derived from the word Orgon, which means life energy. Every person, plant or animal has this energy. It is present in the atmosphere and can even be seen in solid objects. So it occurs in both free and solid form and is everywhere in and around us. We can distinguish this energy into positive and negative frequencies.

In nature there is a lot of orgone, this energy contains many negative ions. This has a beneficial effect on humans. In urban areas nowadays the negative orgone predominates, where the positive ions predominate and which take away oxygen. This disturbs the natural frequency of our body.

In an orgonite, negative ions are continuously created and released into the environment.

Shungite is added to all orgonite products, both jewelry, pocket stones, etc., as well as pyramids and other home products.



Shungite is applicable in many ways,

A few chunks in the water jug ​​restructure the water, release antioxidants and detoxify the body.

Please note that you purchase the real shungite. There are rocks that are similar in appearance but are not.

You can test yourself with a multimeter. Shungite is a superconductor and the voltage with the multimeter should be 0.00 and should remain 0.00, then you know that you own the true rock.

We order it directly from Russia with certification, but in the Netherlands there are also internet shops that sell good shungite.



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